Two guys are sitting on a bar stool. One starts to insult the other one. He screams, ,,I slept with your mother!'' The bar gets quiet as everyone listens to see what the other man will do. The first again yells, ,,I SLEPT WITH YOUR MOTHER!''
The other says, ,,Go home dad you're drunk.''
bar stool | barová židle |
insult | urazit, urážka |
get quiet | utišit se |
the other | ten druhý |
yell | křičet |
,,Go home dad'' | ,,Běž domů, tati'' |
drunk | opilý |
A husband and a wife are at the dinner table and she reaches across and slaps him
,,That is for 20 years of bad sex!'' Then the husband slaps her back and says
,,This is for knowing the difference!''
reach across | natáhnout se přes |
slap | dát pohlavek |
knowing the difference | poznat rozdíl |